
New Money System Required! Hyperinflation Coming!

New Money System

Do you believe the world is on the verge of a global financial crisis? If you do, what is your plan to protect your family and your assets from evaporating? If you do not have one you had better get one and soon! In this article, I am going to share my personal financial protection plan.

I am by nature an optimistic person. Nevertheless, I believe with my entire being that the United States and the rest of the world is in big trouble. Here is why I believe that so strongly.

With the US National Debt at $14.4 trillion dollars (that's 14,500,000,000,000!). That number grows at the rate of $500,000 every 10 seconds! The debt owed by each citizen in the country is $46,210!

Irresponsible and out-of-control spending by the Federal Government and State Government is driving the country to bankruptcy! I am not taking sides with either political party! Both sides are guilty!

Economic stimulus packages that didn't work, corporate bailouts for greedy corporations, real unemployment of 20%, skyrocketing cost of gas, energy and food, involvement if multiple wars or conflicts all over the world, the Federal Reserve's perpetual printing of paper money as the solution to our country's fiscal problems are leading head first into an economic crisis called HYPERINFLATION!

US Fiat Currency

The term fiat money is used to mean "any money declared by a government to be legal tender."*state-issued money which is neither legally convertible to any other thing, nor fixed in value in terms of any objective standard

At one time, the US dollar was backed by gold. Paper dollars were merely receipts that could be redeemed for a fixed amount of gold. This gold was stored under super security in Fort Knox, KY.

In 1971, President Nixon signed a bill taking the United States off the gold standard. Since then our dollars have become fiat money that is, merely paper with nothing of value backing it!

Throughout history, there have been numerous civilizations that adopted a fiat system. Without exception, every one of those fiat money systems has failed!

The United States dollar has had a nice run as a fiat currency but that run is about to come to an end! The value of the dollar will continue to plummet. Our cash will be trash!

What Is Hyperinflation?

A hyperinflation definition would be "the economy condition that occurs when the price of goods and services increases at a VERY, VERY high rate causing a collapse in the monetary exchange system."

Is Hyperinflation Coming?

There is an ever-increasing school of financial thought that believes hyperinflation is not only a possibility but it is inevitable.

If the US economy reaches the state of hyperinflation our fiat currency, that is our paper money will be worthless or as Robert Kiyasoki puts it, "cash will be trash!" The value of the US dollar is tanking and we are headed for a full-blown currency crisis!

We are already in the initial stages of hyperinflation. Look at what is happening to the price of gas, of oil, of energy, of food, and commodities like coffee and sugar. This is a direct result of the actions of our fiscal irresponsibility!

When that happens people will revert to using precious metals, gold and silver for transactions. In effect, gold and silver will be our new money system!

Why Is The Price Of Gold And Silver Skyrocketing?

By now, everyone knows what has been happening with the price of gold and silver in the market! They are reaching historical highs!

This is happening for two reasons. First, because the price of gold and silver has an inverse relationship with the value of the dollar, when the dollar falls the price of precious metals goes up!

Secondly, smart investors who anticipate the coming of hyperinflation are buying up as much gold and silver as they can get! Demand is high; supply is limited so the price goes up!

In addition, many experts forecast that the price ceiling has a long way to go!

Problem With Gold As An Exchange Currency

If you took a gold bar to the grocery store to buy stuff the store would be hard pressed to give you change! So as a matter of practicality using ounces of gold, gold coins, and gold bars poses a big problem. The problem with using gold as a practical exchange currency is that you cannot get a lot of it in small denominations. Until now that is.

The New World Currency

Today in Europe, they have adopted a new money system. They use what is called a gold currency card. These cards are the size of a regular credit card. Each card contains a gold ingot, which has been hermetically sealed in the middle. The ingots in these cards are typically.5 gram, 1 gram, 1.5 gram, and 2-gram denominations.

These cards are certified by the Swiss Government as being 99.99% kine-bar quality, the highest purity of gold.

These cards make it possible as well as practical for gold to be used as a new global currency exchange system! Unlike fiat money, physical gold will always have value.

Gold has been a universally accepted form of value for thousands of years and continues today!

So imagine this. Soon you will be able to take a gold currency card to a store like Home Depot. When you check out at Home Depot and go to pay for your purchases you hand one of your gold currency cards to the cashier. The cashier swipes the card through a machine that determines what the daily market value is of your 1 gram ingot of gold.

Gold Backed Savings Accounts

People in Europe are trading their paper money for these gold cards. Instead of putting their cash into a savings account where their Euros are losing value, they are building gold savings accounts.

The important point to understand here is that the purpose of buying gold currency cards is not for speculative investment purposes. The point is not to play the buy low and sell high game. Yes, right now gold (and silver) are on a very bullish run. People have been predicting the gold and silver bubble to burst for over a year now. However, the run continues to break records. However, the point of owning your own physical gold is to build a store of value for the coming currency crisis so when our cash becomes trash you will have something with value to exchange for goods and services!

My Personal Financial Protection Plan

I am starting to exchange my cash assets for gold and silver. My immediate gold is to have 25% of my portfolio in gold and silver. Silver has been on a great run, even better than gold, and experts predict the prices of these precious metal to continue to increase for the near future!

I am opening a Gold Backed Savings Account with a company in Germany that makes gold currency cards. I will store most of my gold cards in a Swiss Bank account, the safest and most secure place on the planet. I will keep enough gold cards on hand here at home in a secure place for purchasing goods and services when cash is not practical anymore.

If you want to know more about this new global world currency please visit my blog and click on the New Money System.....!

You owe it to your family to educate yourself RIGHT NOW about the benefits of owning physical gold and silver.

A good place to start is by reading "The Guide To Purchasing Gold and Silver" by Michael Maloney.

Please feel free to contact me anytime. Your feedback is welcome. Please leave a comment.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

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